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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Emotional 5K

So today I ran in my first 5k race at Northwest Trek. Many of you know my sister Jodi started running several years ago and has done all kinds of races up to a 1/2 marathon. When I would go to see her run I would always think all those runners including her looked miserable coming to the finish line and I never thought I would actually want to enter a race. Well she said just do the 5k and try it so with no training I decided what the heck I can only improve from where I start. The first time I ever ran a full 3 miles was yesterday at the Y, and it took me 46 minutes which I didn't think was too bad for my first time. I knew I was slow but I ran 3 miles that in itself was huge for me. So today I woke up to pouring down rain and we headed out to Northwest Trek. I was so nervous to start. My biggest fear was finishing last which didn't happen so I was happy. That first mile was horrible, the second mile was ok and the 3rd mile was really emotional. I did! I ran the entire thing without stopping to walk. I wasn't fast by any means but I did improve on my time I came in at 40:02 with a 12:53 pace per mile. I did way better than I thought. I just wanted to make it in an hour. I cried as I came to the finish line it was such an awesome accomplishment for me. I never thought I would be able to run like that, and I can now only improve. I understand now when runners say that racing gets addicting. I want to tell my sister Jodi thank you for doing this with me. I am grateful for your love and support and I want you to know that you are my hero and my inspiration. I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone else. I also want my mom and dad to know how much I love them and are grateful for there love and support also. They are also my heros for many reasons. I couldn't have made it throught without any of them. Also without the love and support of my husband and children. I know this is a long winded post but it was a very emotional day for me and I am very grateful for all that I have been blessed with and especially for my friends and family. Oh and since it was pouring down rain we had no family there to take pictures I had them take one of me at home with my shirt and number so I have proof:)


Newbold Family said...

Mindy, you are wonderful and we are so proud. I wish we could have been there for you. I remember Jodi's first run and how emotional it was. We will be there next time, cheering you on. Keep it up, love, Mom and Dad.

Graham Crackers said...

Way to go Mindy!

Jodi Elwell said...

You did awesome. I am so proud of you!I knew you could do it and I am glad I was there to see it. Before long you will be doing a 1/2 marathon and I will be right there next to you! you rock!!!!

Rachel Hudgins said...

You ROCK! I'm so proud of you. There is nothing like crossing that finish line. I'm so happy you had this experience.

Tammy and Chris said...

That is sooo awsome! It is such an accomplishment to accomplish something you set your mind to do.